Low Self Esteem

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Sermon Notes

Pastor Corey’s Home Study Notes
EHS J2 – KEM Message #32 Sunday – 2/10/2013
(Hebrews 13:8)
“The Most Deadliest Weapon Used Against You…”
? The Picture of satan is different in the Bible than in the world….he is not a comical creature with red underwear and horns…but an Adversary who is clever and dangerous!
? satan knows your weaknesses and uses them against you… ? (1Peter 5:8-9)
? The Bible doesn’t talk as much about the power of satan as it does about his extreme subtlety, trickery, and deceptiveness.
? Ephesians 6:12 tells us that he likes to fight you in the dark where you are easily attacked and deceived… satan’s Arsenal:
? His weapons are psychological – Fear, Doubt, Anger, Worry, etc…
? The Weapon with the deadliest force…..Low Self- Esteem!
? …this is the feeling of Inferiority, Inadequacy, and Low Self Worth!
? These psychological weapons Shackle Christians in spite of all their wonderful spiritual experiences… The Big Four of Low Self- Esteem:
? There are four ways that satan uses this emotional and psychological weapon to destroy you!
1. It paralyzes your potential. ? (Matthew 25:14-30)
? The man with the one talent was immobilized by feelings of Doubt, Fear, and Inadequacy.
? Because he was afraid, he did not invest his talent, but buried it and played it safe…
? His life was a frozen asset….frozen by Fear of the Master, Fear of failure, Fear of comparison to the other two, Fear of taking a risk.
? He did what a lot of Christians do with Low Self -Esteem….NOTHING!…that’s what satan wants!
2. It destroys your dreams
? We can’t live IN or On our Dreams, but we can live BY them! ? Your dreams are a result of the promise of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:17)
? The Holy Spirit helps us to dream Bold Dreams…
? You cannot live out a bold dream with Low self -esteem…you will ALWAYS fall short!
? (Proverbs 29:18) says, where there is no Vision, the people perish…a dream is a vision…
? …if you have the wrong vision, you have the wrong dream…the Wrong dream is not of God…And what’s not of God will seek to destroy you and your Godly Dreams! ? (Numbers 13:23, 30-33) – low self esteem = grasshopper mentality. (Numbers 14:8-9, 24)
? When you know God is with you, It’s hard to have Low Self Esteem issues!
3. It ruins your relationships with God and others.
? When you consider yourself inferior and worthless, you can begin to think that God does not love you…which can lead to issues in your relationship with Him.
? Once you become critical of the Design, you will become resentful toward the designer…
? When you de-value you, you don’t have anything to give to others…
? …people don’t want to be around you….Eore mentality (from Pooh)
4. It sabatoges your service
? People with low self esteem will always come up with excuses when asked to do something in the Body of Christ…
? …Teach Sunday school? “I have trouble standing up in front of people.”
? …Go out in the community and share the Gospel? “I am afraid about confronting people with the Gospel.”
? …Sing on the praise team? “Mary has a much better voice than mine, you should ask her!”
? …Give your testimony? “I don’t think people really care about what I have to say.” ? (1 Corinthians 1:26-31) – God uses whom He chooses!
? Low self esteem actually Robs God of opportunities to show off His power and ability through your weaknesses. (2 Corinthians 12:9).
? Glory in your weaknesses so the Strength and Grace of God can be seen! (1 Peter 5:8-10)