Stop Complaining!

There is a story about a man who recently became a monk and was only allowed to speak two words every 7 years. After his first seven years, he met with the head monk who asked,  “OK, what are your 2 words?”
The man replied, “Food’s bad!” He then went back to silence.
After the next seven years, the man was asked again what his 2 words would be. He replied, “Bed’s hard!”
Finally, after the next seven years, he was once again asked about his 2 words and he said, “I quit!”
The head monk looked at him and said, “I’m not surprised, all you’ve done since you got here is complain!”
What type of impression of yourself do you give to others by the words that you choose to say. Or better yet, how many blessings have you held yourself back from because God would not, and could not honor you because of negative statements that flowed out of your mouth from the overflow of your heart.
This week, make it a point to be Thankful about the things that you have instead of Complaining about what you don’t have. If you do this, I guarantee you that your life will get better!
With a Thankful Heart,
Pastor Corey

Making A “Jam” Mess

Have you ever been driving along smoothly on the freeway, only to be slowed down by what seems to be a major traffic jam? When this happens, in your mind you begin to ask, “What’s going on?” “Did an accident occur?” “Is someone seriously hurt?” Or better yet, “How many lanes are closed ahead due to construction?”


As you ponder over these questions, you slowly arrive at the main point of obstruction, only to find that there is no obstruction! All you see is the person in the car ahead of you staring at a car on the shoulder that has nothing more than a flat tire.


If this has happened to you, like it has to me, you too probably became upset when you found out that it was just a series of “gawkers” that were keeping you from moving forward at your desired pace. Gawkers can be defined as individuals who slow down to stare at a situation with no intention of getting involved to rectify it. Unbeknownst to them, gawkers have the potential of causing major traffic jams while in the process of trying to satisfy their curiosity.


In general, life is full of individuals who slow down just long enough to look at a seemingly bad situation, but never have any intention of saying or doing anything about it. Consequently, many lives are held up, and potentially detoured because nothing was done about the problem prior to them moving along the same path.


Children have been held back because adults who have traveled ahead of them, have just looked at challenging circumstances, but never did anything about them. Nations have been held back because leaders have just talked about problems, with no intention of taking action to solve them. And potentially, the world can be held back because we, as human beings, have done nothing more than slow down periodically to view what’s wrong, rather than taking the initiative to do what’s right.


If one gawker has the potential to bring a freeway full of cars to a halt, then just think about the impact that everyday life gawkers can have on a world full of people. Then ask, “Am I a cause of life’s traffic jam for others coming along behind me?”


Pastor Corey

I Can’t Believe I Did That!


The question isn’t will we make a mistake; it’s will we correct it, or just continue to play from the wrong yard line?

“pur-SUIT Yourself”

One of the biggest highlights of a birthday party is when the “birthday” person is asked to make a wish and blow out the candles. What’s ironic is that we never really get a chance to find out if the person’s wish came true. This is because the “wishers” are often informed that it’s bad luck to tell others what they wished for. However, if we were somehow able to audibly replay the birthday wishes said in their hearts, we would more than likely find a common denominator consisting of maybe a new home, a new car, a million dollars, or other “things” that we think would make us happy.
All to often we seek material possessions in our pursuit of happiness, which causes us to fall short of our anticipated feeling.  This is because in most cases we don’t prepare ourselves to handle what we wish for because we are not prepared to handle what we presently have. Why would one wish for a new car, when they are not taking care of the one we have? Or, how does one expect to handle large sums of money, when they are poorly managing what’s presently in their bank account? It just doesn’t make sense!
Our attitude towards life, and how we treat our present possessions will ultimately determine how we will react to, and feel about, something of greater value. Therefore, if you are not happy with what you have, you should determine the reason why before you wish for more. You could very well find out that it’s largely your negative outlook on life, and not what you don’t have, that is causing your unhappiness.
So, the next time you find yourself preparing to blow out candles on a cake, remember: our pursuit of happiness can be one of the shortest journeys ever taken if we would wish to improve who we are, before wishing to improve what we have.
Pastor Corey

There’s A Butterfly In My Trunk!

As I walked to my car with my daughter’s book-bag, preparing to take her to school, I opened my trunk and there sat a butterfly!

As I analyzed this unusual situation, I thought about how this connected to everyday life. The Trunk symbolizes Storage, and the Butterfly symbolizes Transformation. You see, everyday we as human beings ride around with things that are stored inside of our trunks. Things like hurt, pain and addiction. These things may not be visible to the public, but they are still in our trunks. We can’t seem to get rid of these feelings, so we just hide them.

However, if we dare to open our trunks and take a closer look, we may find an opportunity to transform these negative feelings into something that is beautiful and positive.

Let’s Allow our stored away hurt to be transformed into a beautiful and radiant opportunity to forgive.

Let’s allow our stored away pain to be transformed into wings of love that can be carried to everyone we come in contact with.

Let’s allow our stored away addiction to be transformed into a flight of freedom that soars above anything that has us bound in a restrictive cocoon.

Finally, let’s pray that our Faith will always allow us to see the Butterflies in our trunks each day as we travel through this journey called life.

Pastor Corey

Do You Speak GOTTA?

Have you ever said one of the following phrases?


·        “I GOTTA go to Work.”

Translation: “My paycheck is all I care about. I really don’t like my job, and I would much rather be doing something else!”


·        “I GOTTA go to Church.”

Translation: “I am only going out of routine, or because someone is making me go. I’d rather stay home and sleep in or watch football!”


·        “I GOTTA go to School.”

Translation: “I really don’t care much about learning and growing. I am fine with my limited amount of knowledge that will not allow me to excel in life. My main goal is to get the “high score” on my video game!”


What you say has everything to do with how you think. Speaking the “GOTTA” language can cause you to feel like something is a chore when it is really a Blessing! You can turn your entire life around by replacing your “GOTTA” language with the language called “GET TO.” So, let’s examine what your previous phrases would sound like using your new language.


·        “I GET TO go to Work.”

Translation: “I love what I do, and I have been blessed to have a job that provides me with income for my household. Because there are so many people looking for employment, it is truly a privilege to have a job or business to go to.”


·        “I GET TO go to Church.”

Translation: “I have another opportunity to Worship the One who has given me life. The additional blessing is that I get a chance to fellowship with people who I truly love and care about. To think that others around the world cannot freely gather in public and worship God without being persecuted, I am moved to truly see this as a moment worth taking advantage of.”


·        “I GET TO go to School.”

Translation: “I see education as the foundation for my future success in life. I understand that without a good education, I will be severely limited in my journey through life, and I will fail to reach my fullest potential. I am thankful for those who work hard daily to ensure that I have the best opportunity to learn.”


Doesn’t that sound a lot better? I think so. If you agree with me, and you currently speak “GOTTA,” you “GOTTA” change your language – now!


Pastor Corey

“Helmets, Hurt & Heartache”

On an episode of the 1970’s TV show “What’s Happening!!,” the main group of characters were watching and enjoying NFL football on television. When they began to talk about the teams that they liked, all of the characters gave statistical reasons for their support of their favorite team. All of them except one. Dwayne Nelson was the only one that chose his team for something other than how they played the game. His reason was that he liked their helmets!

The character Dwayne may have been the “odd ball” on that episode, but in real life, he is in the majority. So many people make choices based on how something or someone looks. It is this type of shallow thinking that gets us in trouble when it comes to relationships, purchases and decision making.

To choose something or someone solely based on exterior attraction is to potentially choose a future full of frustration, hurt and heartache. Now, let me be clear, I am not saying that you should not have attractive people or things in your life. However, when what you are attracted to is devoid of value and substance, you run the risk of making a decision that you will soon regret.

By the way, the last time I checked, no team has ever won a Super Bowl just because they had nice helmets!

Pastor Corey

“Not In Service”

I witnessed a city bus simply driving past people waiting at the bus stop without any hesitation. I was confused. Shouldn’t a vehicle designed and authorized to transport people stop and pick people up? It was only when I was able to see the sign on the front of the bus that this action made sense. The sign read: “Not In Service.” It was these three words that gave the bus driver the “right” to whiz past people without thinking twice about stopping to transport them.


Ironically, like this bus, many people today are acting in the same manner. Leaders that have been designed and authorized to lead are walking past those that need their leadership. Fathers that have been designed and authorized to raise their children are walking away from their offspring. Husbands and wives that have been designed and authorized to be committed to their spouse are walking into the arms of another “lover.”


All of them seem to be functioning in a very normal way as they travel the road of life. However, When you take a closer look, you can clearly see the letters in bold print written across the front of their lives that says, “NOT IN SERVICE.”


That may be a good excuse for a bus, but never for us!


Pastor Corey

“Life’s Syllabus”

My daughter just started high school and she is very excited. However, high school not only brings excitement, but it’s a lot of work! As my wife and I took at look at the syllabus for each class she is taking, it confirmed something that we have been telling our daughter all of last school year: “High School will not be easy!” Nevertheless, I believe that if she follows the syllabus and works hard, she will be able to achieve at her highest level.


Simply put, a syllabus serves as a guide that reveals what will take place in the classroom. It also provides you with information about the tools necessary to reach your highest level of achievement.


When you think about it, life is not always easy. Nevertheless, In the class of “life,” we too have a syllabus. It comes in the form of God’s Spirit. This “Syllabus” has been given to us as a “Guide”  to make us not only aware of what will take place in our lives, but also to equip us with the tools we need to achieve at our highest level.


So, I simply share with you what I shared with my daughter: If you

follow the “Syllabus” and work hard, you too will be able to achieve at your highest level.


Pastor Corey

“Photo” Synthesis

Whenever a group photo is taken, the normal reaction that anyone in the group has is to see how they look in the picture. Some people check to see if their eyes were closed, and others want to make sure that their smile does not look “goofy.” However, I believe that most people are looking to make sure that their face is not being blocked by the head in front of them, or that the flash from the camera did not obliterate their features. In other words people will only think that the picture is good if they can see themselves looking good in the picture!


Here is a key phrase that I want to share with you: Unless people feel like they are a valuable part of the picture, the picture is not valuable to them.


Think about this when it comes to your home, school, ministry or business. If people feel like they are not looking their best within the “picture frame” of your organization, then the organization will not hold any real significant value in their lives. Therefore, as leaders, it is our job to make sure that people’s eyes are open, their smiles are radiant, and that no one is blocking them from displaying their features (gifts and talents) that can significantly help the organization.


Do people feel like they are a valuable part of the picture of your organization? Are their eyes open to the vision? Can they see themselves as a key part of that vision, or is someone blocking that from happening? These are questions that must be asked (and answered) each and every time you take a snapshot of your business, home or organization.


Remember, unless people feel like they are a valuable part of the picture, the picture is not valuable to them.


Pastor Corey

Hebrews 13:8